Why do we want to send those diagnosed with eye diseases
that do not have a cure that (sometimes slowly, or sometimes quickly) steals eye sight? to Tony Robbins “Date with Destiny Program”
Make your donation and start designing your Eye Am transformational cap
Why do we want to send those diagnosed with eye diseases that do not have a cure that (sometimes slowly, or sometimes quickly) steals eye sight? To
Tony Robbins “Date with Destiny Program”
Because we are not guessing if this will impact their life. It absolutely will!
I was born with Glaucoma. At 16 they told me after having both my eyes operated on that based on current technology that it would be a good idea for me to start learning braille. The indication was I was headed towards going blind.
I know the million voices of fears and the anxiety. I drank alcoholically, I went through all the emotions of living in a made up version of a future in my head pretending on the outside to be ok. Who would love me, I need to make a lot of money. Eventually I let the words coming out of my mouth out loud. “ If I go blind I’ll just kill myself.”
I has been a long journey but I am happy to report that I am sober 40 years and spent decades retraining myself to live in the Power and not in the fear. There is so m uch I want to share with you about living in the Now and how changing your words will change your life.
Many have impacted my life. I listened to Anthony Robbins cassette tapes decades ago. At the time there was nothing like it out there. I remember I was laying on a small quiet beach listening on my Walkman cassette player with earphones and Tony said “stand up where ever you are and yell something” I can’t remember what I was to yell but It was claiming a victory in my life. I remember the battle in my mind. “I can’t do this, im on a quiet beach. People are going to think I’m nuts
where ever I was. I remember doing it on a small quiet beach. people must of thought I was nuts.” Then the next thing he said on the tape was he knew I what I was going through and to do it anyway, with some more prompting. Well I did it and I felt power.
Date with Destiny has come full circle. Still with Vision in 2014 I started Love Vision/The Visual Experience Foundation to utilize shared experiences to burn visual memories that will last beyond physical sight.
After 7 years, last year I was prompted in my spirit to do more and began the beta for a program call have a mentor be a mentor. We began connecting those diagnosed with someone that has already worked through the early fear and those in later stages with blind mentors who are rock stars. With early success in beta this year it was time to put our formal program together and my personal date with Destiny came full circle.
Through my work in helping other nonprofits raise funds I was invited to Tony Robbins Date with Destiny. I was told that Stanford was doing a study regarding this program that it was impacting lives and the numbers of those who were depressed that were no longer depressed was beyond anything recorded. I needed to go through this 5 day 14 hour a day immersion.
I found myself doing a karate move at 60 years old yelling I am Fearless over and over. “Another one” Tony commanded, “I am dedicated was my next value on my list” “again, again, again” twelve times in a row I’m yelling I am dedicated.
This was just the tip of the iceberg and after 5 days I knew that there was nothing I could do better than sponsor young adults who were just told they are going blind and put them through this 5 day program to start their mentoring program adding follow up coaching and mentoring.
These 5 days can save them the decades it took me to piece all this together to train myself.
Our goal in the next 18 months is to send 100 souls to Tony Robbins Date with Destiny training with follow up coaching and mentorship that have been told that they are going blind
We is a powerful Word. for a small donation we can cover the cost of our Eye am transformational cap that will lift you, lift all that read your cap when you wear it nd the proceeds can make this vision a reality. with a donation of just 35.00 plus shipping less than lunch today you can be part of something good. We can't ,ake this happen with out you.
Founder Love vision Inc. / Visual Experience Foundation
501c3 NPO
Make your donation and start designing your Eye Am transformational cap