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Imagine you were just told you are going blind and there is no cure. . 

We are raising funds for our "Have a mentor Be a mentor program"

We want to give you the best gift for you personally for being part of our mission!


It is easy....

1. Make your donation

2. Pick your color cap

3. Select your color Eye AM logo

4  Type in your affirmation text

5  Select your text color

6. Type in your donation code at check out


Your Eye am transformation Cap is on it's way


Leaf Pattern Design

Help us impact the lives of those that are dealing with unstoppable vision loss. 

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For a 35.00 donation plus shipping you get to to be part of something good and get the personalized transformational cap as a gift for your support. 

The  goal for the proceeds for this fundraiser is to send individuals dealing with the fear and anxiety of going blind , through the Tony Robbins Date with Destiny program, followed up with coaching and mentorship for maximum impact on handling their lives beyondhaving sight.


At 16 as I had both eyes operated on with success but was told at a follow up appointment that there was no cure and I should learn braille to be prepared for what might be my future.


The  anxiety and the fear was overwhelming to the point where I spoke the words that “ If I go blind I will just kill myself.”


We are launching the Love vision "Have a mentor- Be a mentor program to share decades of lessons of acceptance, trust, faith, experience strength and hope that has a foundation built on carefuly  picking the words we speak over over life as we have chose to live on purpose with a purpose of helping others.


You can now participate in our Love Vision Mission.  WE is a powerful word and we need you to be part of our WE. With a suggested donation of just 39.99  you will receive your own Eye Am  customized Transformation cap including shipping anywhere in the USA. 

Make your donate and join the mission!

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This is not just any old hat. There is a reason why it is called a transformational cap. 



The issues of fear, depression, anxiety, and thoughts of ending ones' life are all associated with the slow loss of vision. Learning to never let a made up future steal a sighted day is a mantra of VEF. " The mental health issue of those going blind is enormous  and most eye care professionals are not addressing this. We know this first hand as we are about providing "Have a mentor-Be a mentor" connecting and building community. We is a powerful word and no one needs to go through this in isolation. The proceeds from the eye am hat fundraiser are committed to sending 100 teens and adults diagnosed with unstoppable vision loss to the tony robbins Date With Destiney program.

make your donation now be part of lifting and impacting the lives an ds tart designing your custom Transformational cap.


Why Tony Robbins  Date with Destiny?



Love Vision Inc is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing memorable Sight Visits and support to children and adults who have been diagnosed with unstoppable vision loss.

Love Vision Inc.

P.O. Box 346

Spring Lake, New Jersey 07762


Tel: (732) 616-3304

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