
Bowling for vision fundraiser in February 2017 knocked down all the pins
Date:2018 to be announced
Time 1pm-4pm
Location: Lanes at Seagirt
2106 NJ-35 Sea Girt NJ
This will be an awesome day that is lots of fun. Each team has their own lane and six bowlers on their team. Everyone bowls the first game sighted and gets warmed up when the real fun begins. Each bowler at registration receives a sleep mask and the next game is bowled blind. Yes there are laughs and gutter bowls but the surprise id strikes and great scores. We are not only raising funds for our NYC-Niagara Falls sight visit, We are sending a message that there is Life After Blindness!
Register as a team captain or a individual bowler and we will place you on a team
Each lane gets free pizza and soda. There are great door prices, 50/50 and a high team score cash prize of $300.00
Visual Experience Foundation provides memorable sight visits for those losing vision. We pray for advances in technology to save and restore vision, however if vision is lost faster than technology can save vision we want all to know… There is life after blindness!!!
Bowling For Vision

Our second annual sit-in.com event that we held at Sea Girt lanes in Sea Girt NJ on
February 26th was a pin smashing fun day for all involved.
Every team bowled one game sighted and then each team member wears a sleep mask to bowl there second game with no vision. This can be a little controversial as some blind organizations (and rightly so) feel this may make those participating feel sorry for the blind as they have no training or think the opposite that the blid person is amazing that they can bowl with out sight. We take the time to educate and let everyone know that we are bringing awareness that those who are good bowlers with sight do better than those that are bad bowlers with sight when their eyes are covered. Our message is there is 'life after blindness" but this day is about having fun, and raising funds for our annual "sight visit to niagara Falls where we take those diagnosed with eye diseases that currently do not have a cure. We provide this event and while "burning" amazing visual memories we discuss the fear associated with the road ahead.
This years event brought out Ava's Voice who took four lanes partnering with VEF. Ava's voice is an organization that brings awareness to Ushers syndrome which steals vision and hearing. We stopped the bowling half way through and a video was shot as 11 year old Ava break danced on the lanes to an Usher song. Everyone gathered around danced and cheered as we filled all 26 lanes.
This years Event we also had NHL Hockey Stanley Cup winner Jim Dowd from the NJ Devils attending, bowling as we gave away a signed Devils Jersey. Thank you all that attended. Make sure you follow us to hear about next years event.
Neptune Lion's bowling and posing with Ava and her parents from Ava's Voice.
the Lions partnered with VEF on Ava's Disney visit and she got to thank them at the event.
Pictured here is some of Bunni's bowlers. Two lanes of our best dressed bowlers put together in memory of Bernadette (Bunnyi) McMenaman who recently passed. Loved by all who met her Bunny was 83 and lived with Glaucoma.
Founder Michael Benson and NHL Stanley Cup winner Jim Dowd present the winner her signed Jersey Devils hockey jersey at the event.
The sponsors listed above are the sponsors from the 2017.